Kamis, 10 September 2009

Anggrek Dendrobium

Dendrobium Sulawesiense

Newly discovered species from Sulawesi (Indonesia), Dendrobium sulawesiense (syn. Den. Crepidiferum) is quite striking orchids with large flowers in magenta and orange tongue and durable. Tolerant of moderate to warm temperatures, this species requires high kelembababan and light levels are.

Dendrobium is one of the orchid genus epiphytes commonly used as an ornamental plant or garden space. The flowers are very varied and beautiful. Dendrobium is relatively easy to maintain and flowering.

Dendrobium orchid growth pattern of type simpodial, it means to have limited the growth of the rod tip. This stems continue to grow and will stop after reaching the maximum limit. This growth will be continued by the new saplings growing in the side. In orchids have connecting simpodial called rhizoma or underground stems. From the rhizoma is going out of new seedling shoots. Among the rhizoma and leaves some kind of tuber called Pseudobulb (tubers false). Size and shape vary Pseudobulb.

Dendrobium orchids need sunlight with moderate to high, depending on the type of Dendrobium. If the temperature is too high can be assisted by the use of spray fog to avoid greater evaporation.

Dendrobium plant is not difficult, just provide a good planting medium. It could be charcoal, broken tiles, coconut fibers, and ferns. In order to grow well, instead of planting medium once every six months.

In addition to a good planting medium, note also the nutrients that must be provided. Without the right nutrients, dendrobium not be able to grow and bloom well. To be always flowering, provide regular NPK fertilizer. For fertilizing, do it as needed. Nutrition will help its growth.

Like most species of orchids, dendrobium can grow well at temperatures 15-28 degrees Celsius. Required humidity is 60% -85%. To get the right humidity, do watering two times a day, morning and evening.

Observe also about placement. Place dendrobium in the shade, away from direct sunlight. If you need to plug paranet on plant location. To avoid ticks, or caterpillars, spray insecticide, one to two times a month.

Anggrek Cattleya

Genus Cattleya orchids are getting a degree "Corsage" Orchid. Cattleya name taken from the name of William Cattley, a horticulturist / British horticulturist living in the 19th century. Mr. Cattley was credited as the first person who collects exotic anggrek2.

Cattleya cultivation treatment to thrive is a growing environmental following the condition
* The intensity of light: Cattleya need sunlight but avoids direct sunlight
Set the light intensity of about 20 - 30%

* Temp.
For adults Cattleya, night temperature 13 to 16 ° C (55 - 60 ° F) and afternoon temperatures from 21 to 30 ° C (70 to 85 ° F)
Cattleya seed temperature for the night from 15 to 20 ° C for night and 21 - 32 ° C temperature during
Unlike the old temperature - the temperature recommended during the approximately 4 - 8 ° C (10 - 20 ° F).
Afternoon temperatures 35 ° C until well-disray provided to humid, set to good air circulation and shade plus.

* Watering.
Performed leading to the medium in pots and also in the air for spray to increase air humidity .
The amount depends on the size of the pot, age Cattleya, air temperature and sun radiation. Cattleya adults have used the medium bener2 dry before watering again, while the chicks stay awake must Cattleya medium humidity (dry until can not but also not too wet)
if friend in the country wrote 4 seasons the water is usually cold, Ati2 reply Cattleya water to flush> 10 ° C, do not use of cold tap water yes.

* Humidity (RH)
Cattleya need humidity about 50 - 80%. Must lot spray with very fine grain / mist. Although the need moist but do not let water stagnate because it will facilitate the fungi / mushroom breeding

* Fertilizing.
Regular fertilization with high doses of nitrogen fertilizer (30-10-10) and then provide fertilizer for flowering eminence in phosphorus (10-30-20). Usually every 4 to 6 times the application high-dose N fertilizer was interspersed with high doses of P fertilizer. At the current time period (usually spring - summer) give the fertilizer once every 2 weeks. While resting phase (autumn, winter) is cultivated once a month.

Replacement Pot
Needs to be done until the Cattleya roots out of the pot or pot until broken. Replace good pot before the young roots from rhizoma, or after flowering completed. If at the state 4 good season in the spring.
When changing pots, cut the old root / root, putting some media, and then continue to input additional the catleya until media remains full pot. Press around the roots but do not damaged roots. Use buffer, if necessary. Incipient catleya Tarok this move in damp places, but let it dry / do not flush the roots for a while. Thus akar2 will spur young people to get out.

Cattleya photo Description:
No.1 = Cattleya intermedia
No.2 = Cattleya Brabantiae.
No.3 = Cattleya bicolor.
No.4 = Cattleya Clarkiae
No.5 = Cattleya Walkeriana Lynn Spencer.
No.6 = Cattleya Corcovado.
No.7 = Cattleya bicolor brasiliensis.
No.8 = Cattleya-Gold Digger Buttercup.
No.9 = Cattleya Green Emerald.
No.10 = Cattleya Nobilis Natalia

Anggrek Hias

The types of ornamental orchids

The reference to common ornamental orchid species mentioned with the genus name only because many interspecies hybrids and antargenus that have been made. As a result, the naming of orchids has some kind of special rules rather "deviant" from the ordinary rules of botanical nomenclature.

Here are the names of popular ornamental orchid genus:

* Cattleya, large and spectacular flowers, but difficult to maintain
* Dendrobium, the most popular ornamental plant of the orchid species
* Grammatophylum, its members including Papua giant orchid
* Oncidium, orchids including "golden showers"
* Phalaenopsis], its popularity approached Dendrobium. Orchid months is one of its kind
* Spathyphyllum, orchids
* Vanda, usually as a cut flower

Minggu, 05 Juli 2009


Bunga merupakan salah satu komponen aspek estetika yang menjadi bagian dari kehidupan manusia. bagi para hobiess, keberhasilan dalam membudidayakan tanaman tentu mempunyai nilai kepuasan yang sangat tinggi. begitu pula bagi penggemar tanaman anggrek , memiliki tanaman sehat dan rajin berbunga adalah kebanggaannya.

Suku anggrek-anggrekan atau Orchidaceae

merupakan satu suku tumbuhan berbunga dengan anggota jenis terbanyak. Jenis-jenisnya tersebar luas dari daerah tropika basah hingga wilayah sirkumpolar, meskipun sebagian besar anggotanya ditemukan di daerah tropika. Kebanyakan anggota suku ini hidup sebagai epifit, terutama yang berasal dari daerah tropika. Anggrek di daerah beriklim sedang biasanya hidup di tanah dan membentuk umbi sebagai cara beradaptasi terhadap musim dingin. Organ-organnya yang cenderung tebal dan “berdaging” (sukulen) membuatnya tahan menghadapi tekanan ketersediaan air. Anggrek epifit dapat hidup dari embun dan udara lembab.

Anggota pentingnya yang dikenal baik manusia adalah anggrek hias serta vanili.

Anggrek dikenal sebagai tanaman hias populer yang dimanfaatkan bunganya. Bunga anggrek sangat indah dan variasinya hampir tidak terbatas. Anggrek biasa dijual sebagai tanaman pot maupun sebagai bunga potong. Indonesia memiliki kekayaan jenis anggrek yang sangat tinggi, terutama anggrek epifit yang hidup di pohon-pohon hutan, dari Sumatera hingga Papua. Anggrek bulan adalah bunga pesona bangsa Indonesia. Anggrek juga menjadi bunga nasional Singapura dan Thailand.

Anggrek sering dipergunakan sebagai simbol dari rasa cinta, kemewahan, dan keindahan selama berabad-abad. Bangsa Yunani menggunakan anggrek sebagai simbol kejantanan, sementara bangsa Tiongkok pada zaman dahulu kala mempercayai bahwa anggrek sebagai tanaman yang mengeluarkan aroma harum dari tubuh Kaisar Tiongkok.

Pada pertengahan zaman, anggrek mempunyai peran penting dalam pengembangan tehnik pengobatan menggunakan tumbuh-tumbuhan. Penggunaannya pun meluas sampai menjadi bahan ramu-ramuan dan bahkan sempat dipercaya sebagai bahan baku utama pembuatan ramuan ramuan cinta pada masa tertentu. Ketika anggrek muncul dalam mimpi seseorang, hal ini dipercaya sebagai simbol representasi dari kebutuhan yang mendalam akan kelembuatan, romantisme, dan kesetiaan dalam suatu hubungan. Akhirnya, pada permulaan abad ke-18, kegiatan mengkoleksi anggrek mulai menjadi kegiatan yang banyak dilakukan di segala penjuru dunia, terutama karena keindahan tanaman ini.

Vanili (Vanilla planifolia) juga merupakan anggota suku anggrek-anggrekan. Tumbuhan ini dimanfaatkan buahnya. Untuk menghasilkan buah, vanili harus “dikawinkan” oleh manusia, karena serangga penyerbuknya tidak mampu hidup di luar daerah asalnya, meskipun sekarang usaha-usaha ke arah pemanfaatan serangga mulai dilakukan.